• Vicious Vikings – In the spring term our topic is Vicious Vikings where the children look closely at the Viking era. In English we look at a variety of books including the Horrible Histories book ‘Vicious Vikings’ and ‘The Lost Viking’. In topic lessons, the children will learn about Vikings in History; humans, animals and their habitats in Science; studying Hinduism in Religious Education and sketching animals, Viking weapons and Nordic Gods in Art.
  • Living and Life – In the spring term our topic is Living and Life. In English, we look at The Dragon With a Chocolate Heart by Stephanie Burgis. During topic lessons, we look closely at the Mayan history in History lessons; life cycles in Science; comparing South America to the United Kingdom in Geography; looking at the different denominations of Christianity in Religious Education; bake biscuits in Design and Technology and study William Morris in Art.
  • Earth and Beyond – Finally, in the summer term Year 5’s topic is based on Space. Year 5 look at Neil Armstrong’s autobiography in English and will create autobiographies, newspaper articles and diary recounts based on it. In topic lessons children will be learning about space and forces in Science; the Earth and how we have the different climates in Geography; the religion of Islam in Religious Education; how to control computers using Scratch in Computing; building a moon buggy in Design and Technology and using the artist Peter Thorpe’s art work to inspire their own art work in Art.

Physical Education

During the autumn term, children will complete a 10 week course of swimming lessons. Children will learn a variety of skills in the different areas of the PE curriculum including football, rugby, athletics, dance and rounders.


Across the school, children are taught French from Year 3. Children will learn general greetings, food, boulangerie, money, colours, the body and telling the time in French. Whilst children are in Year 5 and Year 6, they will be given the opportunity to visit France for a 5 day educational visit.

Year 5 Expectations

Children will be given a Maths and English homework every week. Both pieces are expected to be completed and returned to their class teacher. Children should spend a maximum of 20 minutes on each piece of homework. Along with Maths and English homework, children will be given spelling homework where they will practice their spellings and be tested every 5 weeks. Children should read at least three times a week and practise their Marvellous Multiplications ready to be tested each week.

Trips and WOW Days

Year 5 will plan a trip based around one of their topics. In the past, Year 5 have visited Cadbury’s World for the Choctastic topic and Jodrell Bank for the To Infinity and Beyond topic. As well as trips, WOW days will be planned for topics that the children don’t go on a trip for.

There are several different ways we teach spellings here at Sneyd Academy. In Year 5, we continue to work on different spelling rules. In addition to this, we also have keywords that the children need to learn to spell. Each child is given a keyword spelling sheet with all the words for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. The children are tested on these throughout the year and they are crossed off the list when they can spell them confidently. To see the keywords for Year 5 click here.

In Year 5 children continue to work on their Marvellous Multiplications. By the end of the year they should know all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12.

Example test:

1) 3 x 0 = ?
2) 24 divided by 3 = ?
3) 9 x 3 = ?
4) How many 3’s in 15 = ?
5) 36 ÷ 3 = ?
6) 3 squared = ?
7) 21 ÷ 3 = ?
8) 12 ÷ ? = 3
9) 3 x 6 = ?
10) Double 3 = ?
11) Eleven threes = ?
12) Square root of 9 = ?

Click here to view the Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Click here for information on How to Help Your Child

The school is a happy and positive community.

| Ofsted 2019

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Our aim is to enthuse our children to ‘Learn, Achieve, Believe’ in all that they do.

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