At the Academy the Personal Development and Welfare of all students is a key part of the learning and teaching programme and is supported by a strong pastoral system. Central to our work with young people are our core values of “Pride and Respect.”


Our personal development programme is integral to the daily routines and education of every child, and its key objectives are to encourage students to:

  • Develop their spiritual, social, moral, cultural, mental and physical development;
  • Develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • Distinguish right from wrong and respect of the civil and criminal law of England;
  • Accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in our community and society more widely;
  • Acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England;
  • Advocate tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions and acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures;
  • Respect other people; and
  • Respect democracy, support participation in the democratic processes, and respect the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.


Through structured form time routines, weekly themed assemblies, PSHE education delivery, a range of enrichment opportunities, and by upholding the key values of The Academy our students access learning in a range of areas including:

  • The community in which they live, the wider community and the world as a whole
  • The adult world
  • The world of work
  • Personal money management
  • Politics and citizenship


With society changing constantly, The Academy prepares its students in order to adapt to these changes and to make confident decisions about themselves, and their direction for the future.

The school is a happy and positive community.

| Ofsted 2019

Why Sneyd Academy?

Our aim is to enthuse our children to ‘Learn, Achieve, Believe’ in all that they do.

Our Curriculum

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum as well as excellence in maths and English. We bring in expertise for pupils in music and PE and achieve well in these subjects.

Latest News

Here you can find a collection of our latest news. We aim to keep all stakeholders as up-to-date as possible.

We use ClassDojo

ClassDojo is a global community of more than 50 million teachers and families who come together to share kids’ most important learning moments, in school and at home—through photos, videos, messages, and more.

We use Parentmail

Parentmail is the leading online payment service for schools. Cashless payments & dinner money administration for schools, families & local authorities.

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