Reading into Writing

The curriculum is planned in such a way that the children are immersed into the whole class text through a range of reading strategies, such as role play, graphic organisers, role on the wall and character analysis. The children are taught to understand the text they are reading through VIPERS where they are exposed to a range of reading skills. Examples of these questions can be found here.

VIPERS skills include:









Grammar is a major aspect of the school curriculum. Children need to be able to show understanding of different grammatical terms and be able to use them in their writing.

Year 6 children are assessed on their knowledge of these grammar terms through their Year 6 National SPAG Test (Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar). We have designed a Jargon Buster specifically for the key themes within Year 6. Please click here.


Super Sentences

Super sentences are used in each year group and have been designed to encourage and help the children use a range of skills within their writing.

Below is a list of the super sentences taught in Year 6:

Super Sentence Explanation Example
Passive voice In passive voice, we can usually add ‘by…’ at the end. The greenhouse window was broken.
Subjunctive Form Using formal language in very formal writing. Were it not for the fact that we had already paid, we would have left immediately.
Marking boundaries Using : ; or – to mark boundaries between independent clauses. The grass was long; it needed cutting. Snails are slow creatures: they take a long time to travel the shortest of distances. Sam ordered his favourite meal – curry.


Word of the Day

Each day, a new word is chosen to be The Word of the Day. This could be related to the topic or book that the class are learning about or could be an interesting word that the teacher feels would be useful or fun. The word is then displayed in the classroom for the rest of the year for the children to use in their speaking and listening and, in turn, their written work. Teachers encourage the children to use these words in their writing – and reward them when they do – as it helps to extend their vocabulary.



At Sneyd Academy, we teach the No Nonsense Spelling Scheme and cover the Curriculum Must Know words lists.

Each child is given a My Must Know Word list with all the words for their year group. The children are tested on these throughout the year and they are crossed off the list when they can spell them confidently. These words are taught as part of spelling lessons and during afternoon registration work. To see the keywords for Year 6 please click here.